!!! ˇ
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Biography ˇ
!!!, which can be pronounced by repeating any one-syllable percussive sound three times (e.g., "chk chk chk"), formed in 1996 after the demise of the Yah Mos; while on tour, members of that post-hardcore act envisioned forming a band oriented toward danceable music, and once they returned to their native Sacramento, California, they turned the concept into an actual group. The band quickly became an eight-member ensemble: Nic Offer on vocals, Mario Andreoni on guitar, Justin van der Volgen on bass, Dan Gorman on trumpet and percussion, Tyler Pope on guitar, Allan Wilson on saxophone and percussion, Mikel Gius on drums, and Jason Racine on percussion.
Releases ˇ
Let It Be Blue Remixes, single, 2022
Let It Be Blue, album, 2022
Fast Car / Man on the Moon, single, 2021
Certified Heavy Kats, album, 2020
I'm Sick of This/So We Can Fuck, single, 2020
Wallop, album, 2019
UR Paranoid / Off The Grid, single, 2019
MEGAM!!!X Vol 1: Shake Shake Shake, album, 2018
Shake The Shudder, album, 2017
As If, album, 2015
All U Writers / Gonna Guetta Stomp, single, 2015
And Anyway It's Christmas, single, 2013
R!M!X!S, EP, 2013
Thr!!!er, album, 2013
Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass, EP, 2010
Strange Weather, Isn't It?, album, 2010
Must Be The Moon, single, 2007
Myth Takes, album, 2007
Take Ecstasy With Me/Get Up, EP, 2005
Louden Up Now, album, 2004
Videos ˇ
This Is Pop 2, 2022
Panama Canal, 2022
Man On The Moon, 2021
Do The Dial Tone (Lyric Video), 2020
Couldn't Have Known, 2019
UR Paranoid, 2019
NRGQ - Live Music Video, 2017
Dancing is the Best Revenge, 2017
The One 2, 2017
I Feel So Free (Citation Needed)’ - 360° Live in Tokyo Oct 2015, 2015
Ooo, 2015
The Making Of As If’s Artwork, 2015
Bam City, 2015
Freedom! '15, 2015
Californiyeah, 2013
One Girl / One Boy, 2013
Jamie, My Intentions Are Bass, 2010
AM/FM, 2010
Must Be The Moon, 2007
Yadnus, 2007
Heart of Hearts, 2007
Hello? Is This Thing On?, 2004